
Our AWS setup typically looks like the following diagram. Each AWS account has an EKS cluster within an isolated VPC which also contains an RDS, Redis, and any other resources.



Kubespot for AWS is our Terraform configuration the sets up Kubernetes with best practices covering everything needed for SOC2, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS. This package covers Kubernetes security while also ensuring developer productivity.

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket  = "opszero-axiom-ai-terraform-tfstate"
    region  = "us-east-1"
    profile = "axiom-ai"
    encrypt = "true"

    key = "cluster/axiom-laravel"

provider "aws" {
  profile = "awsprofile"
  region  = "eu-west-1"  # TODO: Change this region

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    config_path = "./kubeconfig"

provider "kubernetes" {
  config_path = "./kubeconfig"

locals {
  environment_name = "axiom-laravel"

module "opszero-eks" {
  source = ""

  zones = [

  cluster_version  = "1.29"
  environment_name = local.environment_name
  iam_users = {
    "opszero" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "cicd-laravel" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "jenkins" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "yaseer" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "simonwilliams" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "mattnorman" = {
      rbac_groups = [
    "mattnorman" = {
      rbac_groups = [

  cidr_block = ""
  cidr_block_public_subnet = [
  cidr_block_private_subnet = [

  nat_enabled = true

  node_groups = {
    "blue" = {
      instance_types         = ["t3.medium", "t3a.medium"]
      capacity_type          = "SPOT"
      nodes_in_public_subnet = false,
      node_disk_size         = 20,
      node_desired_capacity  = 2,
      nodes_max_size         = 2,
      nodes_min_size         = 2,

    "green" = {
      instance_types         = ["t3.medium", "t3a.medium"]
      capacity_type          = "ON_DEMAND"
      nodes_in_public_subnet = false,
      node_disk_size         = 20,
      node_desired_capacity  = 2,
      nodes_max_size         = 2,
      nodes_min_size         = 2,

  redis_enabled        = false
  sql_cluster_enabled  = false
  sql_instance_enabled = false

  vpc_flow_logs_enabled = false

  efs_enabled = false

  cloudwatch_pod_logs_enabled = true

resource "aws_ecr_repository" "laravel" {
  name                 = "axiom-laravel"
  image_tag_mutability = "MUTABLE"

  image_scanning_configuration {
    scan_on_push = true

module "wildcard-cert" {
  source = "../shared/certs"


AWS IAM is configured with MrMgr an open source library to configure IAM Roles, Github OIDC permissions, and IAM Users.

  • IAM Roles are configured to give the least access to your team while still allowing for productivity.

  • Github OIDC. Github gets access to your AWS account through OIDC. AWS provides temporary tokens to Github for deployment scoped at the repository level, requiring no additional IAM users to be created.

  • IAM Users are created if needed for access outside of SSO.

Google Workspace#

Google Workspace provides a Single-Sign On solution, which simplifies access to your Cloud resources by using a single set of credentials. This can be beneficial in quickly managing user access to your infrastructure, as users can be added or removed with ease.

We can also setup other identity providers such as Okta.


Every environment we set up for you will be within its own VPC. You can think of a VPC as similar to the wireless router you connect to at home. The wireless router and cable modem act as a bridge to the outside network, and VPCs work in a similar way. We follow best practices to set up VPCs with high security standards that ensure all resources are created behind a NAT. A NAT acts like a static IP that all external resources see when you send data out of your network. If desired, we can also put things into the public subnet, although this is not recommended except for bastions. The VPCs are even locked down within the same AWS account, limiting intruder access to resources.

EKS (Kubernetes)#

Environments and deployments are setup using Kubernetes. There are a range of opinions about Kubernetes, but we have been developing and deploying software for well over a decade and believe a well configured Kubernetes cluster will just work and scale as your grow. We configure your Kubernetes cluster with just the appropriate amount of built in tooling to reduce costs, be performant, and scale. Deploy software as many times as you want during the day with no downtime deploys. Further, we are able to upgrade your clusters without any downtime whatsoever.

RDS / Aurora#

Databases are either RDS or Aurora are configured with configurations for data encryption and solid security postures.